Connecting North America and Taiwan(中)
I identify as a Taiwanese and/or Taiwanese North American physician/dentist/healthcare professional. How can I connect with Taiwan?(中)
To start, you can join our exchange directory! If you want to make a more personal connection with our leadership team, please visit the contact us section to reach out!(中)
I work for a medical device or pharmaceutical company based in Taiwan. How can I connect with physicians/dentists/healthcare professionals in North America?
Please visit the contact us section. You may be eligible to apply to join our exchange directory with a special membership to search our experts in the directory.
I am a student or trainee in Taiwan. How can I find educational/training opportunities in North America?
We have a committee focused on education as well as a committee dedicated to trainees/students. We are happy to help facilitate exchange opportunities. Please contact us to connect with our education and/or trainee/student committees.
Medical Missions(中)
How do I participate in a medical mission?
Thank you for your interest! Please visit our page on medical missions to learn more. You can always contact us directly to get in touch about a specific trip or for more information.
I do not have a medical/dental/health background. Can I still participate in a medical mission?
Yes! In general, our mission trips require personnel with a variety of skill sets. Please contact us to connect with our medical mission committee to learn more about how to get involved.
How can I support the medical missions?
Aside from volunteering your time and skills in person, monetary donations are essential to help fund this work. Please consider donating today.
Getting Involved
How do I participate in a medical mission?
Thank you for your interest! Please visit our page on medical missions to learn more. You can always contact us directly to get in touch about a specific trip or for more information.
I do not have a medical/dental/health background. Can I still participate in a medical mission?
Yes! In general, our mission trips require personnel with a variety of skill sets. Please contact us to connect with our medical mission committee to learn more about how to get involved.
How can I support the medical missions?
Aside from volunteering your time and skills in person, monetary donations are essential to help fund this work. Please consider donating today.
How do I participate in a medical mission?
Thank you for your interest! Please visit our page on medical missions to learn more. You can always contact us directly to get in touch about a specific trip or for more information.
I do not have a medical/dental/health background. Can I still participate in a medical mission?
Yes! In general, our mission trips require personnel with a variety of skill sets. Please contact us to connect with our medical mission committee to learn more about how to get involved.
How can I support the medical missions?
Aside from volunteering your time and skills in person, monetary donations are essential to help fund this work. Please consider donating today.